Created on April 15, 2024

An attempt to frame my science of holism

Bringing together a lens, methodologies, and practices

I developed this framework quite some time ago in 2021 for my Bachelor’s thesis called 🔮 Holistic engineering and a renewed science of holism for a thriving world. It was my attempt to bring together the essential pieces of my research:

  1. complex systems thinking as a lens for the whole
  2. at the center is life
  3. practices for life
  4. how reductionist science has its small part in it

  • The reductionist tendencies of the scientific method are explored in my marble that visualizes the epistemological pieces that influenced the scientific method: 🔮 MMSHistOfSci-A
  • My ever-growing collection of holistic frameworks: 🔮 HOLISTIC-FRAMEWORKS
  • 🔮 Philosophy of Science - taking a critical stance toward the traditional scientific method

The old hand-drawn framework

I wonder if I like this hand-drawn framework more than the upper illustration.

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