Created on November 13, 2024

A list of characteristics typical for white supremacist environments

  1. Perfectionism
  2. Sense of Urgency
  3. Defensiveness
  4. Quantity over Quality
  5. Worship of the Written Word
  6. Only One Right Way
  7. Paternalism
  8. Either/Or Thinking
  9. Power Hoarding
  10. Fear of Open Conflict
  11. Individualism
  12. I’m the Only One
  13. Progress is Bigger, More
  14. Objectivity
  15. Right to Comfort

This list is taken from the “Energy Equity Report 2022” which quoted it from Tema Okun and Kenneth Jones, Dismantling Racism Workbook, 2001. Reference this PDF from the Minnesota Historical Society for a short explanation of every point above.

ID MMSWhiteSupremacy-A