Created on August 15, 2024

Question to the community: How do you stay aware of people’s efforts and insights beyond your own discipline?

Print reading "How do you stare aware of people's efforts and insights beyond your own discipline?" below is a circle of dots that connect to each other, looking like a cell or organism. below it reads: "for interweaving our climate justice efforts"

Compiled responses from the community

I posted this question on August 17th 2024 on LinkedIn and Instagram. I compiled responses below. Hajar Tazi, Caroline Baillie, and Mahtaub Golab contributed majorly to the resources below.

  • Synergia’s online MOOC “Toward Co-operative Commonwealth: Transition in a Perilous Century” (link)
  • The Fito Network festival is a great opportunity for knowledge-sharing and collaborative sense making - a social impact network (link)
  • Weaving ecosystems - a bi-annual conference and festival - The Gathering of Tribes (link)
  • Biophilia BarCamp Un-conference (link)

As we think about general solutions for collaborative communication, Rob Hurwich mentions that there are many different platforms and it would be very ideal/helpful to have inter-operable profiles.

… even if there are multiple platforms, I think the core feature is the Member Profile, whether that be an individual or organization. If the underlying data of this profile is able to be interoperable, then I think that allows for a much greater possibility of being able to connect all actors who want to participate.

~ Rob Hurwich (on LinkedIn post)

  • The Deep Transformation Network (link)
  • The Gaianet hosts the largest database of organizations & folks working towards “growing the roots of a New Earth” (link)
  • Science for the People is an international organization with chapters in many major cities trying to reclaim science to reduce class struggle and liberate the historically oppressed (link)
  • Planetary Health Alliance on Hylo (link)
  • Hylo is a bio-regional collaboration network with great offers & needs features (link)

Emerging projects and communities

  • Complex Chaos - “Helping humanity cooperate” (link and article )q

Holistic educational programs and places

  • Schuhmacher College
  • Masters in Engineering Sustainability and Health - University of San Diego

Regarding LinkedIn

  • LinkedIn works surprisingly well to connect us with exciting new people across disciplines
  • It is very important to train the algorithm by reposting, liking, and commenting.
  • Some recommend professional groups.

Building the needed communication space: What’s missing?

Leon’s design work for building trans-disciplinary communication spaces is summarized in this 🔮 marble post.

Ideas mentioned in Hajar’s post

In my view, a platform that would allow to map out various actors (individual changemakers, organizations, advocacy groups, gov agencies etc…) thematically and geographically to facilitate collaborative transformative action. An integrated AI language model could allow to tag and search organizations based on keywords and thus reduce the linguistic fragmentation (i.e sustainability vs. regeneration) , while also “matching” actors working on aligned initiatives. This platform would present a mix of Linkedin and Hylo features, allowing for the creation of sub-communities and hosting co-labs and offers & needs markets to facilitate “radical” collaboration across silos. This kind of platform would be stewarded by what can be referred to as “transformation catalysts”. I’ll share a brilliant article by Sandra Waddock in case this sounds of interest:

~ Hajar Tazi

Well, once their was WiserEarth to start with… Working (ideation) on models, mapping, meshworks and movers (people and projects) for such an ecosystem (noosphere’). Plus scanning of similar initiatives. Natural technology…. Should be imho a collaborative effort.

WiserEarth and Wiser(.org) was brought to life by Paul Hawken (now: project Drawdown!). Is not up & running anymore. Info:
See Paul’s presentation for Bioneers, to get a glimpse of the enormous community that at that already existed:

~ Wout-Jan Koridon

Thanks Hajar Tazi! This is such a vital exploration. As far as Holistic Systems Cooperative, we are primarily concentrating on the question of how individuals can meet our needs and earn a meaningful livelihood while also cultivating societal transformation. Our approach functions similarly to how you mentioned and that Gaianet is creating. Such as a member database where we can match people’s needs and offerings. In addition, a reputation system can help create more trust and efficiency in working together.

The unique aspect of what we’re developing is the exchange and sharing of value. So in addition to connecting members, we’re creating a contribution-based ecosystem where people can exchange services & goods without the need for fiat money, and where we can all add the multitude types of value we bring to a growing pool that helps support all involved. This includes social capital such as reputation, referrals, and community support. Or intellectual capital such as knowledge or templates.

In practical terms, it’s an opportunity for professional development and capitalizing our unused capacity. At the same time, we’re able to experiment in developing novel economic systems. I know others are working on similar ideas also.

Other important insights

Framework: we need the archetypes of head, heart, and hands

  • Hajar Tazi re-surfaced the importance of integrating all three archetypes
    • Metacrisis sensemakers (head)
    • Holistic healing practitioners (heart)
    • Earth regenerators (hands)

ID MMSQ-Transdisciplinary-awareness