Created on September 10, 2024
Last updated on January 07, 2025
Marbles in the works
This note serves as a collection board for ongoing projects, developed ideas without supportive visualizations, and undeveloped ideas.
Feel free to explore. Since I haven’t finished these projects, they hold the opportunity to collaborate. Let’s see what emerges between us!
🌟 Almost ready to share or publish
Marble ID |
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Next steps |
🔮 MMSPhilOfSciA |
Philosophy of science and in particular how the scientific method neglects values and is not meant to challenge relations of power |
add Vanasupa reference, queer methodologies, and clean up |
🔮 MMSHistOfSci-A |
a timeline of the scientific method and its problematic roots
bring into postable format |
🔮 MMSWhiteSupremacy-A |
A list of characteristics of white supremacist systems |
create visual of list and add narrative “look at this list and see how many apply to your school education” |
🔮 MMSSystemIntervention-A |
List of complex systems intervention points - Donella Meadows |
🔮 MMSEVBatteryLifeCycleExtension |
Visualizing the difference between Tesla’s battery life cycle and the opportunity to create additional life times for batteries |
Change the visual from presentation layout to instagram layout |
✨ Needs work to look nicer
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Next steps |
The bottom billion on this planet still doesn’t have electricity |
the colors and graphic don’t look very nice; maybe make it look like a print |
🔮 MMSIcebergDynamics |
Iceberg graphic showing underlying dynamic fields leading to systemic symptoms sch as climate change |
Create a visual that is easier to understand |
🔮 MMSShiningLightOnTruth |
The truth you choose to shine your light on, will grow the most. |
🌱 Concrete ideas, ready to visualize, no visual yet
🌀 Something cool can come out of this; no concrete pieces yet
Marble ID |
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Next Steps |
visual to share relative sizes of emissions and land use |
very interesting words and concepts, maybe just make simple table |
dots for DOE funding compared with IRA |
a quick graphic with info on seeds using image from April 2nd 2024 |
(and other app ideas) - creating interface mockup |
interface mockup for collaborative Amazon |
☀️ a scale that weights all enslaved animals and several times the amount of mammal weight on the other side |
Graphic Design Project for simple message: Environmental Justice = Social Justice and vice versa |
A simple sticker or graphic design project saying something like: let’s become energy vegans. |
#visualization-idea #MMS-todo