Original intentions behind mostly.mutual.studio (also My Marble Sharings)

Iā€™ve been contemplating communication between friends, co-learners, and change-makers for several years and wrote my masterā€™s thesis about šŸ”®Ā tending to our collective garden of communication.

I call the containers for the special bits I want to share with you šŸ”® marbles. Maybe you want to take some of my marbles and place them in your pouch of precious collections.

Whenever you see the šŸ”® marble symbol, there is another marble waiting behind the link.

How can I create a medium to facilitate ā€œmovement buildingā€ and cross-pollination in my personal circles?

Itā€™s always been hard for me to share my thoughts with my friends and co-creators due to the lack of a container for an insight, idea or question. I might have an old piece of academic writing somewhere. But how do I share it? And where is it again? I felt the need to use an intuitive note taking platform and be articulate with others!

At first, I started an instagram account with the name @mostly.mutual.studio. However, Instagram is not designed for the intentional co-creative dialogue. While I still use it, the tools feels clumsy and prohibits the iterative process.

In need for a more intuitive process, I developed this website platform in July 2024. It automatically syncs my notes to the internet, simplifying the process of sharing and co-shaping things close to my heart & mind. It uses simple technology and a free note taking app.

During my Masterā€˜s thesis, I interviewed a variety of cooperation and knowledge management experts, among them Christian Tietze who built a software for managing ideas using a particular note taking system called Zettelkasten. It is thanks to Christian that I arrived at the metaphorical word marble for the container of a note.

This website of marbles is an invitation to connect with me! My marbles arenā€™t perfect, but they are close to me heart!

I share to engage and be critical with you!

Curious about the technical details?

I use a note-taking and knowledge management system called Zettelkasten (with a free app called Obsidian). This note-taking system mimics the brain and allows me to interlink ideas, working similarly to the brain. I then coded a script using Jekyll that converts the Obsidian (markdown files) to HTML files (that I can host on this website). Reach out to me if you want to know more. ChatGPT is your friend!

ID MMSCommuniA