Created on November 28, 2023

The Climate Collateral Webinar

A collection of insightful slides

  • at least 5.5% of all GHG emissions are emitted by global military (not including conflict emissions)
  • world-wide military spendings increased 21% since 2013
  • the military is used increasingly to push away climate migrants and social uprisings due to climate injustice (also see Slide on Arms exports from wealthy countries to climate vulnerable countries)

Regarding the graphic below, I wonder if it is the right choice to compare military spendings in dollars. Shouldn’t it rather focus on the impact of the money? One billion dollars might have a higher yield of military production in China than in NATO states.

Relative to Israel’s size, it is the largest arms dealer. Spends 24 bln dollar / a year on military. The US department of Defense is the second largest employer world-wide, and per capita, it is more than 4x larger than the Indian defence department (which is the largest employer world-wide) - see 🔮 MILIT-A.

⚠️ colors above should be flipped

Climate change is being talked about as a “security threat” to national security. Threat to operations of the military (sea bases), or poor countries becoming a threat to rich countries due to conflict and migration - so migration needs to be controlled.

US soldier now consumes around 20 gallons a day.

You can’t just have a green military.

Climate justice is really just the fight for life. To decide for life is the human right.

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